Center for International Research on Concrete Art

Founded in Valencia, Spain, in 2014, CIRCA is a research centre in the art field.

CIRCA’s board is made up of both professional collaborators and external consultants with an extensive network of international contacts with Institutions, Galleries, Artists, Legatees, Auction Houses and other agents specialized in concrete abstract art.

CIRCA’s work comprises, amongst others:

CIRCA has published, since 2015, the free access online magazine Geometricae, initially through Facebook, then alongside a dedicated website from 2018. In 2020 it began to further expand its reach via Instagram.

For CIRCA, the cataloguing and archiving printed monographic or collective catalogues on Concrete Art and practitioners is essential. In 2019, it established Geometricum, a thematic archive and free access reading room with the aim of becoming, over time, the most important archive of its genre.

CIRCA, thanks to its solid knowledge in the field of geometric abstraction and its wide network of specialists, offers a series of Professional Services with high added value.


Follow us on Twitter: @CIRCA_research

CIRCA (Center for International Research on Concrete Art)
Calle Adressador 8, 2
46001 Valencia