Year: 2021 Texts: Kiko Magán, Daniel Roy Language: Deutsch, English, Español 288pp. | 22x29cm. Publisher: Verlag Kettler ISBN: 9783862069040 Waldo Balart is an artist best known for his affiliation with the Concrete Art movement, and […]
Year: 2021 Texts: Kiko Magán, Daniel Roy Language: Deutsch, English, Español 288pp. | 22x29cm. Publisher: Verlag Kettler ISBN: 9783862069040 Waldo Balart is an artist best known for his affiliation with the Concrete Art movement, and […]
19.140 | 2019 Oil on canvas | 120x100cm. Guy Leclerq | Opbrakel | Belgium | 1940 +INFO |
Exihibition Catalogue Shiras Galería | Valencia | España Year: 2019 Texts: David Barro, Toño Barreiro 88pp. | 21x15cm. ISBN: 978-84-949539-4-1
Exihibition Catalogue Scottish National Gallery | Edinburgh, Riverside Studios | London, Modern Art Oxford | United Kingdom Year: 1987 Texts: Maurizio Fagiolo, Alessandro Balla 152pp. | 27x22cm. Publisher: Mazzotta ISBN: 88-202-0762-1
Year: 2001 Texts: Viveca Wessel 48pp. | 20x20cm. ISBN: 91-631-0722-8
Exihibition Catalogue Kunsthaus Zug, Musée Jenisc, Musée municipal de Cholet, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen | Swiss Year: 1991 Texts: Matthias Haldermann, Hasn-Peter Wittwer 136pp. | 24x222cm. Publisher: Berenice Art Books ISBN: 88-85-215-12-2
Exihibition Catalogue Galleria Transarte | Rovereto | Italia Year: 2005 Texts: Paola Pizzamano, Sergio Poggianella, Micaela Sposito 142pp. | 20x15cm. ISBN: 88-8447-213-X
Exihibition Catalogue Bludiprussia | Albissola Marina | Italia Year: 2018 Texts: Paola Grappiolo 22pp. | 11x8cm.
Exihibition Catalogue Atlántica Centro de Arte | La Coruña | España Year: 1998 Texts: Luis María Caruncho, Marivi Nebreda, Joaquin Arnau Amo, Moncho Borrajo 42pp. | 21x19cm.
Year: 2018 Texts: Jean -Pierre Geay 60pp. | 21x15cm.