Accent jaune | 1977 Acrilyc on canvas | 150x150cm. Tamás Konok | Budapest | Hungary | 1930-2020

Accent jaune | 1977 Acrilyc on canvas | 150x150cm. Tamás Konok | Budapest | Hungary | 1930-2020
Tamás Konok | Budapest | Hungary | 1930-2020 Tamás Konok graduated from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, where his master was Aurél Bernáth. He moved to Paris in 1959 and later he also had […]
KONKRÉTNE LETO |Súčasné európske geometrické tendencie CONCRETE SUMMER | Contemporary European Geometric al Tendencies Organiser and co-curator: Viktor Hulik 28 June – 26 July 2018 Bratislava | Slovakia The main objective of the organisers of […]